
Continuous support with a long term vision

The proper development of a business requires specialized support and guidance, adapted to customer needs in terms of complexity, timing and budget. Such necessities, become more relevant at the time of extending a business to new territory. With our experience and management tools combined with the support of the best local and international consulting companies, GSB offers diverse options of corporate consulting for international and national companies, supporting our costumers in:
Set up properly in Bolivia, complying with legal and institutional requirements for a lean development of your activities
Effective and efficient management of your operation process and financial resources
Strengthen the institutionalism of your enterprise, based on the implementation of proper organizational structures and corporate strategies adapted to the Bolivian market
Build value and improve your results in terms of productivity and profitability
Our offer
GSB has a vast experience in project management, corporate finance, engineering analysis, Lean Six Sigma and productivity. In addition to this, we have relations with local consulting companies experienced in legal services, permits, customs, community relations, etc. GSB offers to centralize your consulting needs and has the capacity to support in the following areas:
Legal and Finance Consulting
Legal-Commercial Consulting
Contract Formation management
External and Internal Auditing
Finance Consulting
Corporate Finance
Tax Consulting
M&A Consulting
Project Management and Continuous Improvements
Project Evaluation
Management and Control of Cost and Schedule
Productivity and Process Improvements
Lean - Six Sigma
Performance Based Leadership (PBL)
Community relations and institutional strengthening